People at King’s Cross site express unease about facial recognition
The SmartPram (™) buzzed as she crossed the threshold. “Welcome back. Your coffee’s waiting for you. I was going to order Sam’s usual orange juice but I see the allergy’s playing up so I’ll order water.”, The SmartPram (™) steered towards the coffeeshop. “I know you were thinking about those shoes. If you want to take a detour and try them on, I can watch crowd reactions and give you some aggregated feedback? I’ve seen Chris is onsite today. I’ll her pram and see if she wants to join you. The shop’s upping its bid if you bring a friend?”
The SmartPram (™) buzzed as she crossed the threshold. The panel lit up as the child slept.
“Welcome back Helen, I hope Sam’s looking forward to today’s PlayKX. He certainly looks excited! Your coffee’s waiting for you. I was going to order Sam’s usual Orange Juice but I see the allergy’s playing up so I’ll just order water, today. Oh, you have a call coming in… I’ll talk to you in a minute.
As she reached to touch her sunglasses to take the call, the SmartPram (™)’s motor kicked in gently and steered Sam towards the coffee shop.
“So, Charlie’s not coming today, that’s a shame. I can see you’re disappointed. I know you were hoping for some advice on those shoes. Obviously I’m not Charlie but if you want to take a detour and try them on, I can watch the reactions of the crowd and give you some aggregated feedback.”
The SmartPram (™) moved over towards the left of the path, nearer to the turning towards Kos but as she touched the handles and regained control…
“OK, maybe later… Oh Sam’s waking up. Just in time. Your SmartPram’s telling me his pulse is increasing. I can see too that he’s getting excited. He’s noticed the dressing up stuff is out today. Better warn you, he’s also looking at that Donut cart!”
The coffee and water were waiting and as she sipped the discounted latte and undid the SmartPram (™) harness…
“Er, sorry to bother you, but I’ve seen that she’s here today, over there by the bench. Yes, I can tell from your expression that you don’t want to get caught in another one of those conversations. As you posted yesterday, “some mothers..!” Argent’s. PlayKX SmartPlay (™) safety system is running fine today so you. can leave Sam if you like. I have two stores nearby currently. bidding for your visit… Yeh, that made you smile!”