Did your car witness a crime? Police may be coming for your Tesla

https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/tesla-sentry-mode-police-evidence-19731000.php It started organically really. Just a couple of families talking about play, remembering if not their childhood, at least the tales they heard of children playing out without parents. Free. It sounded idyllic. Adventures. Imagination. That’s where the idea started. They called it “Open Door”, the logo was a front door and a child … [Read more…]

Project Overview ‹ AI-Implanted False Memories – MIT Media Lab

https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/ai-false-memories/overview/ It was actually my doctor who recommended it. Or at least the Doctor app. My stress stats were “sub-optimal”; orange to you and me. So the Doctor prescribed a gratitude journal. I was sceptical but my work’s People app made it clear it would be advisable so… Each night I have to identify and … [Read more…]

Australians no longer need to respond out of work hours: Agency heads respond

https://www.marketing-interactive.com/australia-employee-right-to-disconnect-agency-heads There was a big clock on the wall of the office. An affectation from a long-forgotten Creative Director. Since the well-being directive, it had taken on a new importance. It wasn’t that everyone downed tools when the hand reached twelve and walked out but there was a shift in mood in the office. The … [Read more…]

AI brings a whole new dimension to the challenge of organizational transformation

https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/31/ai-brings-a-whole-new-dimension-to-the-challenge-of-organizational-transformation/ They’d decided a human needed to do it. The AIs on the Board had argued they could do it better but the CEO said that “while the boss has a pulse”, she’d make the final decision. If an AI could sigh, they would have. The argument was that integrity was such a complex and … [Read more…]

OpenAI Names Political Veteran Chris Lehane as Head of Global Policy

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/30/technology/openai-chris-lehane.html The company was growing, fast. “Exponential” was a word it often used when talking to the media bots. It had become a watchword for the sector. Even people with no interest in technology knew it. It had become synonymous with “AI”, with the future. And inevitably it had started to attract political attention. Ambitious … [Read more…]

Chatbots offer cops the “ultimate out” to spin police reports, expert says

https://arstechnica.com/?p=2046081 It wasn’t the first time he’d been in this room. He even thought he recognized the officer standing unsmiling by the door. He certainly remembered the ones who’d brought him in, and they remembered him as they made clear. The room has been designed to be… smooth, a bath, washing suspects around and down … [Read more…]

Apple introduces AI-powered object removal in photos with the latest iOS update

https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/28/apple-introduces-ai-powered-object-removal-with-the-latest-ios-update/ I’ll be honest, when we said goodbye outside the restaurant I wasn’t exactly buzzing. I mean nothing had gone wrong, he was perfectly nice. The evening was, well… nice. To be honest I was wondering about the whole online dating thing. My grandad told me about how dating used to work. Conversations, pick-up lines, … [Read more…]

Social Media Managers Don’t Need Your Algorithm Hacks

https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/social-media-managers-dont-need-your-algorithm-hacks/ Apologies for interrupting your feed with… yes basically an ad. But bear with me, because I think you need to hear this. Managing your Social content… it’s a full-time job and that’s why you have a social media manager. But that world is changing rapidly, the language used, the cultural references played with change … [Read more…]

Opinion | An Experiment in Lust, Regret and Kissing

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/20/opinion/beach-read-ai.html He’d been writing them for a while. It was likely a daily exercise for him, a chance to stop and think through the news of the day in a new way. By imagining a near future, turning the news into a fiction he found new ways of thinking about the issues, the implications. He … [Read more…]

The future of the AI-enhanced classroom

https://www.ft.com/content/e9523570-5966-4d99-ac92-45d3966ae28e It was finally here. The day they’d been waiting for. Even before he was born they’d been planning. The dinner parties with friends where the sole topic of conversation was catchment areas and property prices. Even after they got their flat, there were the right networks to join. Endless research into the best new … [Read more…]